Saturday, August 17, 2013

Whale Baleen Fossil

I have a carved wood bowl where I keep my unusual rocks and finds.  The other day I was looking at the rocks and picked up this one.  I remember finding it and bringing it home because of the eroded lines, it was interesting.  I ignored it though because I didn't think it was a fossil.  I thought it was just eroded sedimentary rock.  However, when I re-examined it, I instantly thought of the fossilized whale baleen pictures I had seen on-line.  I did a search and the images that came up were from Cabrillo Marine Aquarium  and the fossilized baleen looks similar to mine.  This might be baleen fossil.  I don't remember what beach I found it on!

Image of whale baleen (click to see image)

1 comment:

  1. I think I also have found a piece of whale baleen I'm going to send you a picture please let me know what you found out
